In 2016 we provided IWK Health Centre with a complete moveable wall and furniture solution for their new offsite EIBI location.
The Problem
Because the client, in conjunction with the Landlord, was acting as Project Manager, they wanted a walls/furniture solution that would be efficient and modern, with less complex scheduling of trades or hidden costs.
The Solution
In conjunction with Haworth and our Workspace Planning division, we reviewed the current EIBI site and determined their future requirements. We did a complete presentation of our moveable walls and furniture product offerings and options. Working directly with IWK’s Design and Project Coordinator, we designed the space; utilizing Enclose unitized moveable walls with furniture hanging off the walls. Using multiple finish materials (laminate, glass, vinyl) that tied into the base building, we were able to provide them with the look and feel they wanted at a competitive price. Included in the solution we provided was reconfigurable power and data.
The Results
By hanging their systems furniture off of the architectural walls we were able to reduce the overall footprint of each workspace without reducing the actual usable space of each individual workstation. By doing this we were able to free up more floor space for collaborative areas and spaces with soft seating for staff and clients to interact in less formal settings or simply relax. The team working in the EIBI office is thrilled with their new space and has actually hosted tours for other prospective clients of moveable wall systems.